There are obvious differences between a tan by Air-Tan and a tan by a tanning bed. Let’s just lay it all out on the table!
Tanning via a tanning bed takes some commitment before getting color. It takes less time for some than others, but it usually isn’t just one session in the tanning bed to get the tan you’re looking for. At Air-Tan, we have five levels to choose from. If you want a deep tan right away, we can give that to you! One session and that’s all it takes.
Coverage! Do your legs and stomach tan better than your upper body when you tan in a tanning bed? We can make the color solid all over! We also have the ability to customize what level we do on what area, so we can just spray those notorious lighter areas a little darker. An Air-Tan can be totally customized!
At regular tanning salons, it’s pretty common to get a “tanning bed rash.” Whoever used the bed before you probably got sweaty, you get sweaty, and you can end up with itchy patches on your skin. At Air-Tan, you’re not exposed to other people’s sweat! You really don’t have to touch much of anything at your appointment – you undress and we do the work while you stand there!
An obvious, and very important factor is skin damage. Tanning beds emit UV rays which are widely known to cause exactly that. Not only do UV rays damage skin, they are also known to cause skin cancer. Melanoma, cancer of the skin cells, is very serious and can be fatal. It is one of the most common forms of cancer for people 30 and under. It can happen to anyone! At Air-Tan, there aren’t UV rays involved. Getting an Air-Tan is much safer for your skin than exposing yourself to the rays!
Let us give you a natural glow, the healthy way!
Call to book, or book online! Click here or download the MindBody app and search for Air-Tan.
Broad Ripple- 317-254-8267
Fishers- 317-576-8267
Downtown- 317-395-7151