Between morning sickness, facial breakouts and overall pregnancy bloat, expecting Mommas come to us when they are searching for that “pregnancy glow” that everyone raves about. All you need is fifteen minutes and the instant pick me up is all yours, Mom to be!
Better yet, Air-Tans are UV-free and the solution does not penetrate into your epidermis, therefore does not get into your blood stream or breast milk. Air-tan while pregnant is completely safe and extremely common, however, we still encourage you to speak with your physician prior to your visit.
Is your baby here and you’ve chosen to breast feed? No worries! Our very own Air-Tan girl, Ashley, who actually worked at Air-Tan her entire pregnancy and has a few tips:
“My daughter is 9 months old and still nursing, so I still have to wear a bra during the spray. I’ve also worn a bandeau, which is very convenient. I was so grateful to be able to get Air-Tans while I was pregnant because unlike a lot of other pregnant moms, I did NOT get that glow. When I got my Air-Tan, I instantly felt so much more comfortable in my own skin, including more comfortable with my baby bump!” Ashley said.
If you find yourself in a pinch, we also always have makeup wipes and washcloths that you can always wipe around Breast feeding areas to prevent your baby from getting solution on their face. Just remember not to wipe any other parts of your body since you’ll need to wait that 8 hours to shower, get wet or sweat.
So in conclusion, bring us your bumps! We love hearing about your sweet little newest additions and love helping YOU get that glow you deserve!