As lots of people are escaping to warmer weather this winter or planning their Spring Break trips, getting an Air-Tan before you leave is often on the agenda. We want to make sure you know EXACTLY all the right steps you can take to ensure your tan will look flawless for your trip and lasts as long as possible. I’m here to answer all those FAQs we get from our beautiful clients about how to take care of their tans while on vacation.
“Will swimming/chlorine/getting in the hot tub ruin my tan?”
No, but what will cause your tan to fade faster is the more frequently you’re getting in and out of the water, so be mindful of that. And be sure to ALWAYS pat dry rather than rub. This can make a huge difference in how long your tan lasts and is recommended to everyone getting a tan – vacation or not.
“Does my spray tan act as a base tan? Can I still tan naturally?”
NO, your tan does not act as a base tan. YES, you can definitely still tan your skin in the sun through your spray tan. Our solution doesn’t include SPF, so be sure you’re still lathering up throughout the day to keep from burning. Plus, if you burn and peel, that tan is going to look all sorts of crazy – we don’t want that! Protect that beautiful skin of yours.
“How long before my vacation should I book my appointment?”
A day or two before your appointment should be fine, but you can definitely come day of, too. I’ve sprayed lots of people who were popping in just before heading to the airport. If your trip is a longer one, I would try to come as close to your departure date as you can to ensure your tan lasts your entire trip.
“How can I make my tan last for my entire trip?”
Helping to keep your tan looking nice and even for as long as possible starts with what you do BEFORE you even come in for your appointment. You’ll want to shave, exfoliate your skin really well, and make sure you don’t have any lotions, perfume, oils, etc. on your skin when you come in (we have makeup wipes here for you if you need them!). Next, you want to be sure to have LOOSE clothes to go home in. Leave your leggings, bra, or tight fitting shoes at home – anything tight could mess with the tans development and we don’t want that! As for after your appointment, once you’ve waited the 8 hours for your tan to develop and taken your first shower, keeping your skin well hydrated is my #1 tip for making your tan last. Find a good moisturizer and be sure to apply it at least once a day, more if you’re out in the sun often – just don’t use anything oil-based as this can break up the tan. Our Extender and Face Spray are the perfect products of ours to take on vacation with you! The Extender helps to prolong your tan and the Face Spray is perfect for touching up your face once it lightens. It’s often the quickest place to fade since we wash it the most, so the face spray is great to have on hand for longer trips. Other that that be sure to always PAT dry, don’t rub, try not to shave your legs too frequently, and be mindful of getting in and out of the water too much. I will typically recommend getting one of our Organic solutions for vacations too because it’s going to last a few days longer than our Regular solution.
“I have bathing suits that all have different cuts. Is there a way to make it so I don’t have tan lines?”
YES! This is such a common concern and we totally get it. If you let your technician know that you’re trying to prevent tan lines for your trip, we can definitely help! We’ll either have you adjust your bottoms as we tan you or we have strapless thongs if you’d like to buy one to make it simple. Even if you don’t have different cut bathing suits you’re taking on your trip, I recommend wearing the swim suit you’ll be wearing with you to get tanned in, or at least think about where your bathing suit will lie and adjusting your bottoms to match them so that you don’t end up with mismatched tan lines once you’re on your trip. (This has happened to me – learn from my mistakes).
And that’s it, We’re here to help you feel confident and glowing on your vacation. If you have any other questions about your vacation tan feel free to reach out and we’d be happy to answer them. See you soon.