Want a flawless Air-Tan?
Here’s how…
At Air-Tan, we know how easy it is to fall quickly in LOVE with the immediate gratification of a quick and easy Air-Tan!
We can tell you from years of experience that there are a few things you must do before hand in order to get the BEST possible results.
First: You want to shower and exfoliate your skin
Have you tried our Air-Tan BODY SCRUB? If not, you should because it is A-MAZING!
Seriously. I
t is the freakin’ best.
Our body scrub contains Glycolic Acid and is designed to be applied to the skin and left untouched for 3-5 minutes. Once you have allowed the scrub to set into the skin, you will find that our scrub has quickly broken down any residual tan and does an outstanding job of simply exfoliating skin with or without any Air-Tan present.
Want to take that up a notch? I can tell you how…make the best decision of your life and purchase our cute as can be, PINK Honeycomb Bath Mitt to help with the process of exfoliating.
It will not disappoint!
Second: : shave what you would normally shave
The LAST thing you want to do after getting a fresh Air-Tan is feeling the need to shave (any of the things you may shave). The longer you can wait to shave, the longer your tan will last.
Shaving is a form of exfoliating the skin and we want to wait as long as possible to rub, scrub or shave your skin.
Third: avoid lotions and deodorants AFTER showering and BEFORE you come in for your tan.
When lotions and deodorants are applied before you come in for a tan, 2 things can happen.
1. Lotion and or deodorant can create a barrier between your skin and the tanning solution.
2. A chemical reaction between the solution, lotion and or deodorant that will cause the area to turn GREEN. This is temporary and will NOT remain on you once you shower, but lotion can create uneven areas. It is best to avoid using lotion the day of your tan.
Our lovely and talented ladies at Air-Tan take pride in what we do. We can boost your confidence and allow you to see how truly beautiful you are. Help us help you in achieving that flawless tan by following the three steps listed above and you will come out looking natural and amazing every time!