Working at Air-Tan, I get the following daily question, “I won’t look orange, will I?” It is the most common concern when coming to get your very first Air-Tan. Ross Geller has damaged the words spray tan for a lot of people and I’m here to tell you why you WON’T look like him in “The One with Ross’ tan.” There are few reasons why Ross turned orange.
- Low quality form of Tanning Solution. All spray tan solutions are made from DHA. DHA is a colorless chemical, derived from glycerin that interacts with the amino acids in dead skin cells to produce a brown color change. At Air-Tan we work with a lab that creates a perfect balance of DHA and other ingredients like aloe and citrus oils that help create a beautiful color on all skin types.
- Over applying self tanner or spray tanning solution. For any spray tan or self-tan to look even and natural you must be fully exfoliated and free of ANY self tanning product prior to coming into Air-Tan. You can think of this like nail polish, get it ALL off before re-applying it. Otherwise self-tanner on top of self-tanner aka (Spray tan) = orange and not an even, long-lasting tan.
- Using a product that is too dark for your skin. Many products like a self tanner or even spray booth don’t give you the option of customizing the color. If you see someone use a “dark” self tanning lotion, chances are it is NOT going to look the same on you if you have naturally lighter skin. At Air-Tan, our solution blends with your own skin tone making a natural, even looking tan. We also have a level scale of #’s 1-5 and trained technicians that can help you choose the most natural looking shade.
- Going darker does not mean it will last longer. It is a misconception that if I go a darker level the tan will last longer. This is false and especially if you have fair skin. The darker you go might look fabulous for a day or so, however when it fades it will become much more noticeable and less natural. Our trained technicians will help guide you down the path for the best color level for your skin tone.
Not only does Air-Tan offer high quality solution and total customizable shades, we’ve crafted a routine that no other company has. Your technician will make sure to spray all the tricky spots that a booth cannot reach. We pride ourselves on giving clients the most natural looking glow possible… opposite of Ross Geller orange. The only way to see for yourself is to give us a try!
Click here to book your Air-Tan today.
If you have any questions you can call (317) 254-8267 and follow the prompts to each salon.