Let me guess – someone is dragging you to a costume party on just a couple days notice, or you have that last minute family Halloween get together coming up that you have been procrastinating about? Don’t worry! There are TONS of easy, simple and witty DIY costumes that take almost no time or effort. You don’t need to be a seamstress or makeup artist, all you really need is some things around the house, and of course, your Air-Tan & you’ll be ready to go! Here is some inspiration for your “in-a-pinch” Halloween Costume version 2020:
Who DOESN’T remember searching for Waldo in a cluttered crowed for nights on end (probably while procrastinating doing something else – how fitting!)? Throw on a red and white striped shirt, a red fuzzy winter beanie (preferably one with the little squish ball on top), Grab some dollar store glasses, steal your grandfathers cane, add some blue jeans and if possible a satchel – BAM! Waldo who? Waldo YOU
So Easy – And honestly pretty witty, All you need for this costume is a plain colored t-shirt, some paper, tape, scissors, and a marker. That’s it. Now, cut that paper into rectangles and on each one write “Hello, My Name Is ______,” and a name (different on each one). Tape those all over your shirt and boom – Identity thief! ALSO if you have time, I have seen the “hello my name is_____” stickers already pre-printed at office supply stores – definitely worth checking around to up your costume game.
This one is just as easy. Again, grab a t-shirt, write “life” on it, and carry around a bag of lemons, Hand out some lemons for the full effect. CLASSIC!
Got a beige sheet? How about a brown shirt and brown pants (optional)? Yoda is super easy to accomplish with just a little face paint. The ears can be made from a simple headband and some foam or even tinfoil! (Just paint them green, no one will know, its fine).
Anyone with kids, probably already has a light saber tucked away in the toy chest, and this one is good for ALL AGES!
I mean, of course, my little brother rocking this DIY Yoda circa 2012 it’s definitely GOALS
If these first ideas are a little too laid back for your style, this one may be exactly what you are looking for; Time for the back of your closet. Dig out your fanciest clothes, I’m talking about that old high school formal dress you are still keeping for some strange reason, or one of the many brides maid dresses you still have never worn again – Pair that with your nicest shoes and you’ll want to do your hair with the vibes of all the wives in titanic. If its not obvious, you definitely will want your Air-Tan at max freshness! Now, take a sheet of paper, cut a hole in two corners and tie a string through them like you’re making a really oversized name tag. In cursive, write, “I’m Sorry” on it and wear it like a necklace. BAM – You’re a formal apology!
Another great look for all ages – Black leggings, black-and-white striped turtleneck, black tuque and a money bag are all you need to pull off your heist as a bandit. Accessorizing with a gold chain necklace and a black bandit mask if you’ve got them will help finish the look like you already scored it BIG TIME.
Lastly, my personal favorite (probably because I chose this every year I am dragged to a celebration) The modern witch is SO easy to put together. Grab a black dress, I know you have one, and your favorite black fall hat, and a tan! That’s it! Seriously! Check it out, I totally nailed it, right?!
Whatever you decide to be, have fun with it and Happy Halloween!
– Autumn T. or call 317-254-8267
(P.s. Don’t forget to book for your best accessory HERE or by calling 317-2554-8267)