Life has become so busy for many of us. Between school, work, taking care of home, being a mom, or even helping your kids with virtual learning, it can seem as if self care is not an option. I always try to remind myself that to do all of the things listed, self care is the ONLY option. To be the best at anything, you have to be your best self first.
Did you know that getting an Air-Tan only takes 15 minutes- in and out? A lot of people are shocked at how fast the appointments are, but we want to always make you feel fabulous without the hassle (and time). Since you can get dressed immediately after your technician applies the solution, you will be ready to go home, or on to your next self care appointment in no time.
Getting an Air-Tan is not the only way to make you feel or look good. There are many things that you can do to relax that go hand in hand with Air-Tan, but be cautious, many things you want to do before your Air-Tan appointment. Most people don’t know when they should get their mani/pedi- before or after their Air-Tan? It is always best to do this BEFORE. Our solution will not stain any toe or nail polish. In fact, it rubs right off of any polish. SO go the extra mile for YOU and treat yourself to a mani/ pedi before your tan.
Another great way to unwind is to get a massage! I cannot think of anything more relaxing than to set aside an hour where you do not have any responsibilities and can simply lay there and get massaged. With many places now offering memberships, you could unwind once a month! Planning to get a massage? We suggest doing your massage before your Air-Tan. A lot of massage therapists use oils and lotions, so it is best to shower if you come in on the same day as well.
No matter how you take care of YOU, make sure that you give yourself all of the love you deserve. You are worth it!
For any questions regarding Air-Tan or what to expect, feel free to give us a call at 254-8267! We cannot wait to make you feel and look your best!