We tan people for so many exciting and important reasons.
Weddings, vacations, birthdays- all of the fun things! We are also a huge part of family, engagement, boudoir, headshots, or just about any professional photographs that you can think of. Our clients often wonder if they should get an Air-Tan before their shoot, how dark (or light) they should go, or how to make their tan look the most natural. Of course we always think you should get an Air-Tan no matter what the occasion, but I am going to give you my best Air-Tan advice (as a professional photographer AND Air-Tan Girl for life) so you can be ready camera ready.
Photography by Kristen Mittlesedt Artistry
Natural is best.
It is super easy to get overly excited when you have someone in front of you and you know that you can get as tan as your little heart desires, but remember, Air-tan works best when kept “natural” looking. What exactly is natural?! If you have an olive skin tone and you tan very easily in the sun, a darker tan may look natural on you. On the other hand, if you are super fair and do not tan easily in the sun, a lighter level will look the most natural on you. Don’t worry, just because you do a lighter level does not mean that you still won’t look tan. It will simply prevent you from looking like you have a fake tan. We always want you to look naturally tan! Our technicians are trained on how to help you select the best level for your skin tone.
How far in advance should I get my Air-Tan?
We always suggest coming in two days before your photoshoot, or in enough time to take two showers before your shoot. This helps to ensure that you have washed off all of the bronzer that is applied to your skin at your appointment. There is just something about that second day that makes you look like the goddess that you are. If your timeline does not match up for this, no worries, our organic solutions can last up to 10 days.
Make sure you follow steps on prep and after care.
It is super important to shave and exfoliate your skin before your appointment. If your Air-Tan is applied to dry, un-exfoliated skin, it can flake off and look uneven. Although photographers are good at editing, uneven skin is not easy to fix. Also make sure that you are showering lightly and keeping your skin moisturized. Moisturized skin on top of a great looking Air-Tan will look so perfect together during your session.
We truly love making people feel and look their best. We cannot wait to give you that GLOW for your next big photo shoot. For any other questions regarding Air-Tan, feel free to reach out to us at 31-254-8267.