Hello! My name is Autumn, and if you have never stubbled upon our blog before to get the 4-11 on all things Air-Tan, I’m happy you found us now! I am just one of many Bad ass Air-Brush Tanning Artist throughout our 3 salons. You can typically find me bopping around our Broad Ripple location – but – Today I am taking a break to let you in on the true secret to instant self confidence. (Spoiler alert .. it’s all about the Glow Baby!)
Let’s be honest; Bearing skin for a visit of any kind is typically filled with sheer dread – Same girl, Same. Whether it is about to be your 1st time getting a spray tan from us, or your 900th, We have all been through those lovely thoughts as we get undressed. You know the ones.
“Please don’t look at my weird feet, ugh I totally forgot to paint them.. AND THE TOE HAIR! NOOO, WHY?! Actually, please, just ignore all hair anywhere. Did I even shave my armpits? I have zero idea how I got any of these bruises, I probably ran into something Should I make a comment or do we both pretend like they aren’t there…Yikes, these stretch marks.. please just close your eyes when you spray me lady“
SO First things first: Here At Air-Tan We have a Strict set of rules – Think Fight Club ; But with Apologizing for your God Given Beautiful Body. Stop it!
We are no nonsense self love here, & you should be too.
Try to see your self esteem as if it was a muscle; Muscles need to be worked out to stay strong right?
For me, being apart of Air-Tan has been a life changer in many ways, but my number one favorite is because I get to work that muscle out for you. You don’t need to worry about feeling any type of way about yourself or your body here, and After you get that glow, you can stand in the mirror & instantly SEE that bronzed power house of a human you are staring right back at you.
Big bellies, skin blemishes, Perfect smile, Big noses, knoby knees, health conditions, you know.. all those Normal things that you get down on yourself about, we LOVE them! Why wouldn’t we? Imperfections are what make us, us – Warriors, of the world. What better way to celebrate that then to bring your inner glow – out.
Okay, so you read the rules, are you thinking – “yeah okay they say that but like… I’m sure they talk about the people they see in there.” Pshh Girl get out, Ain’t no body got time for that.
If you want to know what we really think when you come our way.. Honestly, it’s that everyone who walks into our rooms is perfect blank canvas. We want to show you how we can transform you & paint on that shine. At the end of the day, we are trained professionals, we are technicians, we are artists. We have all seen hundreds, if not thousands of bodies through the years & we do it every day – it really is no different then you looking at your daily work or interactions you have with people.
More Reasons a little Safe Color can smother your anxieties
Did you know studies have actually shown that getting a spray tan is directly correlated to boosting your self esteem and confidence? Your brain associates golden skin with beautiful beach days and relaxing in the sun. So waking up to some color on your skin is literally one of the easiest ways to trick your mind into thinking you’re in a relaxing “beach vibe” environment, at any time of year. In fact, tanning in the winter can be even more rewarding because it subconsciously reminds you of warmer seasons and sunnier days. (we all need that, February – March in Indiana, am I right??)
Psychological connections aside, getting an Air-Tan works as a confidence booster simply because it makes you look and feel your best. It makes sense why so many people were addicted to tanning booths – Now that we all know the health risks & skin damages of UV light – It’s such a relief to know we can still carry on the same feelings in a safe way that visually is completely equivalent. (Thank you 2022 Chemistry!)
Of course, Pale skin is beautiful too, but it can also be less forgiving for those of us – like me – who are not blessed with a perfect skin tone. AKA The see through look, is unfortunately never in. Blemishes and other skin imperfections are more noticeable against a pale backdrop, and constantly trying to hide them under foundation or concealer well.. can definitely be a lot harder, or not accomplished at all: At least the way we would like.
Our Products can hide scars and blemishes as effectively it can cover up cellulite, Spray tanning is great for all shapes and sizes because it evens out the skin and makes you appear slimmer and healthier, Not to mention Instant Teeth whitening – Hello!
Maybe you have tried these at home and know exactly what I mean! But it can also be easily the opposite of natural bronze we are going for. Especially when it comes to applying by hand – Luckily for us, Our owner is the boss of bosses and she has been in the industry for many years. She has mastered everything from the solution we use to the way all technicians apply your tan down to a complete science. Any of the horror stories you have heard about spray tanning, you won’t find it here. As we say, It’s not just a spray tan – It’s an Air-Tan.
At the end of the day, our Number one goal is to block out any doubt & show you how beautiful you are. It’s easy to pick on yourself, I apply tan’s every day while also preaching that self love & care loud enough for the Bistro down the street to hear – and yet, I catch myself apologizing all the time during my weekly glow ups. (Flat chest & Weird hairy toe club, where you at?!) Luckily for me, I know my co – ATG’s will happily smack any of my self deprecation right out of my mouth – as we will for you.
So let us be your
Work out machines
Your Life Coaches
Your 15 minute therapists & Your Soul boosting sisters.
Book an appointment & prepare to be gassed up, have your self-esteem muscles flexed and toned – strong enough to defeat any annoying, nagging, self doubts that have the Audacity to show their faces. You will see the results, and you will feel them too. We can give you that gift you never realized would make such a difference.
One Air-Brushed Tan a week equals thinking only good thoughts about yourself & your body does enough for the soul to take away years worth of self doubt .. and that is pretty damn powerful.
Call us anytime for questions, concerns, worries, or just to get more information on what to expect for your appointment –
Xo, Autumn T.
Fishers ~ Broad Ripple ~ Greenwood
Monday – Saturday all year ‘round