Over the years, I’ve been asked over and over again what I love about Air-Tan. It makes my skin look better & healthier. It looks natural. It’s super fast & easy. All of these are awesome reasons, but none of that would matter if it wasn’t safe and that’s the main reason I love Air-Tan.
Up until about 4 years ago when I found Air-Tan, I had pretty much accepted my fate as a pale person forever. While my brothers take after my mom & can tan almost instantly in the sun, I take after my dad – blonde hair, pale skin & I just BURN.
Growing up, my parents were always extremely overprotective of me when it came to the sun. Sunscreen was always a necessity in our house. Until I was about 10, I grew up in California & we spent every single day in our backyard by the pool – I had never even seen snow until I was almost 10! I loved summer and I loved being out in the sun – and I still do!
Flash forward to high school in Indiana and I used to beg my parents to let me go to the tanning beds. Everyone was doing it! (Never a good argument…) I was so envious of my olive-skinned friends who all went to the tanning beds together when they were already darker than I was to begin with! I was always the palest (or in the summer – the reddest).
Since I couldn’t go to the tanning beds, I would try to get a tan the real way – in the sun. Unfortunately, I don’t tan very well in the sun so those attempts ended up with some major burns which would drive my parents insane. I’ve had more lectures about the importance of sunscreen than about anything else I can remember. I never really understood why they got so upset about it. I was the one who was sunburned! I couldn’t think past the short term side effects and in my head, it was completely worth it.
However, the older I got, the more I understood them. My dad’s father, who had blonde hair and pale skin, passed away from melanoma that had metastasized to his brain when my dad was young. It came back into our family again when my dad, who has his same blonde hair and pale skin, was diagnosed with melanoma a few years ago. Luckily, they caught his early on and were able to remove it. As I’ve taken after both of them with blonde hair and pale skin, I completely understand their concerns and their determination to keep me out of the sun.
Thinking back, I am extremely grateful to them and the “no tanning bed” rule. It makes me cringe to think about how I would let myself fry in the sun just to have a little bit of color. Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand the addiction to being tan, but no amount of color is worth your risking your health like that!
The first time I tried Air-Tan, I was amazed! I couldn’t believe how it looked completely natural. I had NEVER looked that tan before in my entire life! I had tried lotions, creams, and makeup, but they always looked fake and I never quite turned out right. (plus I was horrible at applying them). At Air-Tan, I finally got the tan I had always wanted and I was instantly hooked. Because I’m naturally so pale, I never opt for anything extremely dark. I usually stick to a level 2 or 3, but the difference it makes is huge! I instantly get a huge confidence boost – clothes look better, I look healthier and I just feel better. Now, I get the best of both worlds – I love being tan and now I can be tan and not worry about damaging my skin or risking my health.
You can book your Air-Tan appointment instantly on the MINDBODY app by searching Air-Tan or go to our website here.
Or call us at any of our locations to speak with a technician if you have questions!
Broad Ripple–317-254-8267