What to expect in 3 Steps
For best results please look over these 3 steps or watch our video explaining these steps.
We want to ensure you have a good experience with us at Air-Tan, which is why we recommend these three steps based off of 10+ years of experience.
MORE ABOUT US +Before you visit
Shower, shave and exfoliate your skin before you come in. Make sure your skin is free of lotions, creams, and oils. This ensures there is not a barrier between your skin and the Air-Tan solution. It is always better to wear or bring loose fitting darker clothing and flip-flops or loose fitting shoes to your session.
Inside the booth
All Air-Tanners are required to wear bottoms - either your own underwear, a bathing suit, or we provide a disposable thong (for our female clients) for no charge. Each Air-Tan application takes 15 - 20 minutes. That's something any person-on-the-go can pencil in.
After care
Before jumping in a pool or the shower, or doing a sweaty workout, wait at least 8 hours so the self tanner has time to react with your skin and produce long lasting color. After your first shower follow 3 steps to keep your tan lasting longer. 1. Wash gently 2. Pat dry. 3. Moisturize